Friday, November 15, 2024

" Mending Wall " by Robert Frost -- Interpretation

Mending Wall

Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun;
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
The work of hunters is another thing:
I have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on a stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,
To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean,
No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
I let my neighbor know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
‘Stay where you are until our backs are turned!’
We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
Oh, just another kind of out-door game,
One on a side. It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall:
He is all pine and I am apple orchard.
My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.
He only says, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.’
Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder
If I could put a notion in his head:
‘Why do they make good neighbors? Isnt it
Where there are cows? But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall Id ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offense.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down.’ I could say ‘Elves’ to him,
But its not elves exactly, and Id rather
He said it for himself. I see him there
Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top
In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.
He moves in darkness as it seems to me,
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
He will not go behind his fathers saying,
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.’

Few words about the theme of the poem. 

   " And miles to go before I sleep" we know this philosophical line has been penned by the  famous American poet Robert Frost. Many other  prudent lines we find in the poem  " Mending Wall "  written by this poet. The theme of the poem  " Mending Wall "  has crossed the limitation of two gardens, two families , the boundary of a limited society, it is pervasive among nations. The poem  " Mending Wall " is composed in the year 1914,the year when the First World War  broke out. The subject matter of the poem starts  in the garden or field of the speaker poet and his neighbour but ends in the global arena, the First World War . Thus the poem has become universal in true sense.  

    The subject matter of the poem is very simple,the mending or repairing  of the wall between the garden of the poet and his neighbour. Some boulders are displaced and a gap is prominent  in the wall. Nobody knows who has made the gap in the wall. Poet's belief is that nature has made it and in is the indication that  "Something there is that doesn't love a wall." Both the poet and his neighbour have worked hard to set the boulders.The poet thinks whether the wall is necessary in that place.His neighbour confirms the necessity of the wall saying that "good fences make good neighbour ."

     " But here there are no cows ",the poet says. He says this to refute the expression of his neighbour : "good fences make good neighbour ."This expression is true where any one or both of the parties do have cows, as this quadruped cares little to cross the boundary and champ or damage the crops or the plants of the other. Besides, there is nothing to be swallowed by the cows here as " He is all pine  and I am apple orchard." The apple trees of the poet's garden can never eat the cones of the pines. So the wall is absolutely unjust and unnecessary at this place. This wall may be made out of practice or in traditional sense. At this point the poet seems to suggest that some elves, the non-human agency, wants the wall to be broken down and they have made the gap in the wall protesting the existence of it here .

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Title versus Sub-title in Goldsmith's play " She Stoops to Conquer ".

Introduction : Have you seen the sign-boards hung all sides in the market of towns and even in the villages ? Advertisements are also common in all the channels of media. The aim of these is to draw the attention of the intended customers of the products for which the advertisements and the sign-boards are prepared.One may say that the function of the title in the literary arena is,to a large extent, like this.The title at once captures the attention of the readers or the audience of any literary product. Title is the golden key that helps one to unlock the treasure-trove of the literature and helps  to taste the nectar of this field. So the  meaningful title is of great importance.

   In the field of literature we come across the matter of subtitle beside the title of a creation. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

A short note on "Symbolism" with some examples from well-known writings.


Definition :     
  Symbolism is a very common  and a well-known word in the field of literature. 'Symballein' is a Greek verb and 'symbolon' is a Greek noun.The word 'symbol' comes in English from these two Greek words. 'Symballein' the verb means 'to throw together' and the noun 'symbolon' means a 'sign' or 'mark' or 'token'. So  symbol or the sign is an object (animate or inanimate)  which represents something else.Symbol stands for any other thing. In Coleridge's language  a symbol 'is characterized by a translucence of the special in the individual'. The French  poet Mallarme provides us with some explanation regarding symbolism and to him symbolism is the art of evoking  an object ' little by little so as to reveal a mood '. Mallarme's follower Henri de Regnier's view about symbol is that it is implicit , oblique and something that is not spelt out. Symbol  is , according to him, a comparison between the concrete and the abstract. 

Concept of symbolism :
   Some examples may clarify the word 'symbolism' and may help the readers to make out the matter of 'symbolism', its importance and its usefulness. Symbol may be tangible or intangible. Here are some example of palpable symbols. We generally  find a 'scale' in the court of law and this 'scale' symbolizes 'justice'. Take the flower 'rose' which stands for 'beauty', while the 'lily' for 'purity'. A very known bird 'dove' stands for 'peace' whereas the king of beast 'lion' is taken as the symbol of 'strength and courage'. The 'cross' is the symbol for 'Christianity' and the 'crooked cross' (swastika) for Nazi Germany and Fascism.

 Some action and gestures may have some significance and these ones serve as symbol. Someone with 'clenched fist' is found in some situation which symbolizes  something and this is  nothing but 'aggression'.When a person  starts 'beating his breast' his action symbolizes 'remorse'. 'Raised arms' of someone stands for 'surrender'. So the place of symbol in literature is vast and varied.

Functions of symbolism :
    In literature symbolism plays  vital role to make the meaning clear and prominent. It not only adds depth but also brings different layers of meaning of the narrative which at once becomes thought- provoking. How does symbolism helps a writer is mentioned here.

(a)Theme Enhancement : The theme of a narrative is the vital part and its effect can be enhanced with the help of symbol .The central theme is reinforced with symbol. For example, the "three wired sisters" in Macbeth symbolizes that the play has some connection with supernatural and cruelty.
(a)Character Representation  : In the description of characters symbol is more useful than verbal repre-
sentation. In Shakespeare's Macbeth blood is justly
used to Symbolize the psychological state and fear of Lady Macbeth's mind.


 symbol and symbolism.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

John Osborne's play " LookBack in Anger" - The significance of the title of this play is found in the very 'title words' .

 " LookBack in Anger"
                                   John Osborne

Introduction : Title of any literary creation is of paramount importance as the title creates some sort of curiosity in the mind of the readers and motivates them for having the taste of the literary nectar arrested in it.The title of a poem or story or  other may be called the 'golden key' to unlock the treasure-trove of the dream land of literature. A good and meaningful christening proves the competence and literary skill of a writer of prose or poetry.

Elements of title : Title is made or chosen relying on different elements which are very commonplace  ones.It is frequently seen that title of many writings are based on the  name of the main character or the name of the protagonist. Sometimes the title is based on the activity or the consequences  of action performed by the main character or the protagonist. Sometimes it is the name of a place round which the action and the characters revolve. A grave problem prevalent in the society, a deep-rooted one, that causes  multi-faceted impact on the human world is sometimes taken as the best element of the title of a writing. A deeper philosophical interpretation may also be the basis of a title. The questions in the mind of the characters or the readers are also welcomed as the title. It is not very uncommon that the writer's   christening is metaphoric or symbolic.

Significance :  " Look Back in Anger" , Osborne's  play, contains three basic words : 'Look' ,'Back' and "Anger'. These words provoke to raise some questions - Who looks back ? Why he/she is looking back instead of looking ahead ?  Why  is there anger ?   
     The play progresses and it becomes clear like day light that the man who looks back is Jimmy Porter,the protagonist of the play, an angry young man who is a jobless husband - not a common chap but a brilliant graduate. Yes, Jimmy looks back .
        Jimmy is jobless now, jobless because he has resigned his earlier jobs one by one . He could not compromise with the malpractices found  in abundance in the society.Now he runs a sweet stall and somehow manages his livings. Jimmy's wife Alison eventually belongs to the affluent section of the society. Here we find a combination between haves and have-not and a strong class consciousness in the mind of Jimmy. It disturbs the mental peace of the angry hero who is frequently involved in a clash with his wife Alison who can not realize  the fault on her part. Being failure to earn a smooth and sufficient source of living Jimmy is frustrated now and he is quite sure that  this unjust social system , the pathetic socio-economic condition, the unequal distribution of the resources and wealth are the main causes of the misery of the majority of people. Obviously the ancestors established such social system which now exploits the poor millions and enables  a few privileged people to roll in gold. The cause of suffering , Jimmy thinks, is the ancestors of the present generation. So Jimmy looks back and curses his ancestors. Jimmy is so helpless, so frustrated and so downhearted that he has not the least wish, the least courage and the least morale to look ahead. 

     If we have the phrase in Hamlet "out of joint" that is quite appropriate to the situation of Jimmy who may easily be identified as the 'angry young man'. Frustration and disappointment lead Jimmy to anger. His is an imperfect age where reigns the vulgar materialism and heartless technological growth. Jimmy is in such a mental situation that he always longs for a little enthusiasm and love. Jimmy does  not have the least amount of  peace in his mind, naturally 'anger' disturbs Jimmy. How is it possible that The Bishop  of Bromley , the follower and the protector of religion,publicly encourages the  making of Hydrogen bomb. It is the  cause of Jimmy's resentment. The prevalent social classification which discriminates the upper class and the working class  ails Jimmy much and this unquiet mental state ultimately resulted in the outburst of profuse anger. One can easily identify that Jimmy's anger is directed towards woman folk, their apathetic mind towards their husband. Jimmy's mother never felt sympathy for idealistic husband. Similarly, Jimmy's wife Alison  does never show sympathy towards  Jimmy's helpless situation, never tries to understand the cause of her husband's frustration. Alison somehow keeps tune with Jimmy.of course superficially.All these are the causes of Jimmy's anger.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Sonnet of Sri Aurobindo and interpretation.

A Tree
          Sri Aurobindo

A tree beside the sandy rive-beach
Holds up its topmost boughs
Like fingers towards the skies they cannot reach,
Earth-bound, heaven-amorous.

This is the soul of man, body and brain,
Hungry for earth our heavenly flight detain.

Discussion : This short poem containing a quatrain and a couplet brings about a fine metaphor as we find in it an implicit comparison between a tree and the human soul. The tree mentioned here holds up its topmost boughs towards the sky i.e. towards the heaven. The tree is fixed on the earth and it is not possible for it to touch the sky, though it intends to  do so.The same picture , same situation is implied 
in the activities of human beings who, holding up the fingers try to have the experience of heaven.

Human beings are in the contradictory situation and they are 'earth-bound' and at the same time  'heaven-amorous'. Human being is so absorbed with the gross earthly matters that pull him backwards like a magnet when his soul intends to undertake a flight towards heaven.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Problems faced by Satyajit Ray in time of shooting his film 'Pather Panchali'.

 Introduction - We have in Indian English Literature a famous essay entitled 'A Long Time On the Little Road' written by the great Oskar winner Satyajit Ray. The essay is based on the  first hand experience of Ray in time of shooting of the film 'Pather Panchali' and some problems faced by this  artist of Bengal in time of doing so. Different setbacks and uncertainties sometimes  made him standstill but those were temporary and Mr. Ray ultimately overcame and succeeded in giving a precious gift  'Pather Panchali' to the film lovers.
Though beset with different problems Satyajit Ray  did gain a great satisfaction at different stages of this shooting.

Problems :  The problems faced by Satyajit Ray in time of shooting his film 'Pather Panchali' may be divided into four groups - 
(a)  Financial Problem (b) Location Problem 
(c) Technical Problem  and (d) Human Problem . 

(a)  Financial Problem : The problem of money stood before Ray like a mountain . Actually, He started shooting with a paltry amount of rupees 8000/- only at the bank. As Ray was new in film direction it was hard for him to get financer   Naturally, his intention was to produce cheaply and quickly a reasonable length of 'rough cut',that would help to establish his bonafides  and getting some financer. Lack of fund delayed the production
for one and half year. Satyajit Ray had to suffer some pangs and peculiar torments for the financial crisis or 'enforced idleness'.

 (b) Location Problem : Mr. Ray  had to go for the outdoor shooting and there he faced difficulties.
It was the first day's shooting in the field of white kaash flowers in a rural area. The maxim 'well begin is half done' proved wrong in this case. Ray took eight shots and returned half-finished but when the other day he came the same place to make it complete, he with utter surprise and dismay discovered that the ' sea of fluffy whiteness' has gone and turned into an expanse of brownish wasteland. Where was the field of white sea of kaash flowers ? A local people explained that the Kaash was a sort of fodder and a herd of cattle had come and 'had literally chewed up the scenery'.  Such heart-breaking the location problem is !

(c) Technical Problem : It is the problem of instruments , the problem that centered round the position of camera in time of shooting.Where would the camera be placed ? Near of far , high or low, on the dolly or on the ground? There were some problems arisen after the shooting. The problems were in the work in the laboratory, in the process of cutting and joining. The writer had to wait in the laboratory with much patience and anxiety for the ghost like negatives of the film.  

 (d) Human Problem : Human factors appear as a great problem to Mr. Ray. He was much tensed and anxious about the characters of film. Much  delay in shooting  means the children acting here were growing fast. Besides, it was not possible to keep an old lady of eighty standing on the mid day sun for taking shots repeatedly for perfection. 

      To conclude,the artistic conscience of Satyajit Ray when he had to  compromise,not his liking, with some situations and matters. Ray had to carry on the work of film making by all sorts of balancing and he  overcame the sereas of   problems stood before him.