Saturday, September 3, 2022

" Great Expectations " -- Charles Dickens.

 Introduction : 

        " Great Expectations " , a Bildungsroman, , written by   Charles Dickens was published in 1861. This novel appeared in a serial form in "All the Year Round ", a periodical of that time. Having suggestion and advice from his friend cum adviser, Mr. John Forster, in 1860, Dickens wrote this novel and he wrote his friend : "The book will be written in the first person throughout, and during these first three weekly numbers you will find the hero to be a boy-child, like David Copperfield." This novel is regarded Dickens' best novel and obviously the master piece of  of this great literary artist.

Characters of the Novel :

          The major characters of this novel are : Pip , Mr. Joe Gargery , Mrs. Joe Gargery , Biddy, Miss Havisham , Estella, Herbert. Mr. Jaggers. Wemmick, Compeyson and Magwich.  

The Story in brief:    

       The protagonist of the story is a boy of seven  named Pip who is an orphan. Pip lives with his sister and his brother-in-law Mr. Joe Gargery in the marsh-country. A fearful strange  event happens one afternoon when Pip is standing in the churchyard not far from their house. A stranger of awful appearance, exhausted and haggard looking, with a great iron on his leg, suddenly appears and commands Pip menacingly to bring some food for his hungry self and a file from Joe's smithy. The man threatens Pip if he fails to fulfill his demand or tells the matter anybody he would be killed by a fierce young fellow in a cruel manner. Pip promises and runs home.

       Pip fulfills the demand of the strange man and keeps the matter hidden totally. Now he passes his time  with anxiety and a sense of guilt overtakes him. Gradually Pip grows old enough. A good change comes in Pip's life when Miss Havisham, an immensely rich and grim secluded old woman who lives in 'Satis House', calls Pip to pass some time with her, by playing card and by this or that. Pip meets there with an arrogant girl Estella who is brought up by this lady  Miss Havisham. Estella humiliates Pip in various ways for his rustic appearance and manner. Her behaviour  also instills a  sense and urge to Pip for becoming sophisticated and a gentleman. Not only that, a sort of good feeling for Estella dawns in Pip's mind. However, after some days Pip is released with some  gift cum remuneration amounting twenty five guineas. Next Pip is legally bound as apprentice to Joe. The relationship with  Miss Havisham is not terminated as Pip goes her house occasionally and Pip has high esteem for this venerable lady. 

     Pip works without enjoying it. The profession of blacksmith's apprentice is not honorable to Pip and his way of living in that poor house. He feels that he is doing some degrading. More than that, Estella would soon discover him with his 'black face and black hands'. A sadful incident happens.  Pip's sister is hit from behind by someone and she becomes incapacitated. Biddy, an orphan and the assistant in the night school, who helps Pip to learn the 3Rs, is engaged  for maintaining  the household of Joe and helping Pip's sister. 

    Pip's  helpless cry seems to be like this 'I want to be a gentleman'.  
Will his desire get a material shape ? God's wish makes every thing possible . A lawyer from London Mr Jaggers appears suddenly on the scene and discloses that one of his clients wants to make Pip a gentleman and Mr Jaggers would take Pip to London if Mr. Joe raises no objection. The condition is that the identity of the benefactor will not be disclosed now and it would come to light at a suitable point of time. All arrangements are made and Pip sets out for London with Mr Jaggers and is settled in this dazzled aristocratic town. Pip is settled in Herbert Pocket's room and an intimacy between the two is developed. Pip has the notion in his mind that his benefactor is no other than Miss Havisham. From Herbert Pip collects much information about Miss Havisham an it is totally surprising. Miss Havisham inherited lot of property from her father. She courted a young man who proved to be a traitor. Her lover promised to marry but  at the appointed hour he did not come. Not only that, he robbed Miss Havisham of a lot of money with the help of her own brother. For all this, she is now fully antagonist to the male folk. She is bringing up Estella in an arrogant way and wants to take revenge with the help of her. Pip is really astonished, yet he still keeps belief on Miss Havisham as his benefactor. 

     Pip has undergone a lot of unexpected changes. He fails to maintain a healthy and good relationship with Joe. When he comes to home town he resides in an inn, not in Joe's house. Actually he is going to  be a gentleman and he wants to win Estella. Pip's intimate friend Herbert is now passing in some financial crisis . Pip, under the guidance  of Wemmick  invests a certain amount of money with a wealthy broker so that Herbert would get a certain handsome amount every year. Herbert is totally in dark about all this and he believes that he has got the amount by chance or by god's grace. The other matter is that Estella falls out with Miss Havisham and proves to be a heartless and ungrateful lady. She also engages herself with Drummle whom she marries later though the marriage proves fruitless. 

        One day the cat must be out from the bag and the identity of Pip's benefactor would come to light. That moment has come in a stormy night when Pip was alone in his boarding. An unexpected visitor arrives to Pip and that person is no other than the convict whom Pip, when a boy of seven, helped with food , wine and a file. The name of this convict  is Magwitch  and he is the benefactor of Pip. He declares that he may be treated as the second father of Pip  and he looks upon Pip more even that a son. All the money he has saved is only for Pip. Magwitch tries to touch Pip but the latter recoils every time . Not only that Pip is flung into an agonized state. He can not imagine that he is a beneficiary of  a criminal, a convict.It is a pathetic as well as a dramatic situation to both Magwitch and Pip. Magwitch tells Pip that he has come to London with a great risk as he was transported for life and the punishment of this crime is death. Strangely enough, Magwitch has decided not to go back from London to Australia.

      Here we see a strange development in the life of  Pip who has recently been suffering from sleeplessness. However, Pip has made a separate secret arrangement for Magwitch which is totally in the knowledge of Herbert who has helped his friend Pip much in this regard. Arthur, brother of Miss Havisham and Compeyson, her escapist and opportunist lover, appear to the scene and start the old antagonism with Magwitch and naturally his life is in a risk now. The complicated situation necessitates the escape of Magwitch. Pip and Herbert plan perfectly and try hard in the process of escape of  Magwitch but all plans and efforts end in smoke. Magwitch  is captured again.

   The last part of the novel is really eventful. Miss Havisham's dress catches fire and this venerable old lady is hurt severely. Magwitch breathes his last in prison. Pip who runs after a lot of debt is severely ill. Naturally, Joe comes, repays Pip's debt, takes care of Pip and departs in an abrupt and strange way. Herbert leaves for Cairo to take charge of the branch office of his firm there. Estella is deserted by her husband Drummel. Joe and Biddy are tied in wedlock. Pip returns to his native village after eleven years. Pip gets a chance to meet Estella who is no more arrogant, but a changed and chastened woman. Pip takes Estella's hand and  they vow that they would never part from each other. This happy union marks the end of the novel.    

Fairy tale elements in " Great Expectations "       
     Fairy  is at the centre of the 'fairy tale'. A fairy is an imaginary being, generally in the female shape, with  some magical power and enchanting activities.  A fairy tale transports the listeners or the readers to some wonderland where he/she feels mysterious. In it something happens unexpectedly beyond the capacity of mind and knowledge. Fairy tales, enjoyable and encouraging,  are designed for providing entertainment and  some moral lessons. Sometimes fairy tales are so fabricated that the story seems to intend to deceive someone. Now, we have to probe the story of the novel " Great Expectations "  with a view to find the elements which conform to the fairy tales.

     " Great Expectations "  is a fantasy with some fantastic figures and incidents. Two fantastic figures who come into Pip's life are Magwitch and Miss Havisham. On a cold Christmas eve Magwitch,  a notorious convict who escaped from jail, appears suddenly before Pip, the child protagonist , and projects his hungry, haggard and desperate appearance. He demands menacingly from  Pip some food and a file to cut the irons on his legs. Pip, terror-stricken , rushes to home and steals some food from kitchen and a file from Joe's smithy
and helps the stranger. 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

"Crossing the Bar" by Lord Tennyson is a true metaphorical poem.

The Text

Sunset and evening star,
      And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
      When I put out to sea,

   But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
      Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
      Turns again home.

   Twilight and evening bell,
      And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
      When I embark;

   For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
      The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
      When I have crost the bar. 
                        ( Lord Alfred Tennyson )

Introductory notes : Bar is a sort of formation of sand with some height under the water, like small reef, that makes some problem in navigation. It is a hazard to the free movement of the ship. A ship has to face some trouble to cross the  sandbar under the water. When the ship can cross the bar, it gets into the open and boundless sea where no inhibition is faced by it. Then it is the sailing  in the limitless, sailing in the infinite realm of wave and water.   

          No, it is not the story of  navigation. No sailing vessel is introduced in this poem . The image of the 'sea and ship' is used metaphorically to  indicate the life of human beings. Some symbols are freely used to make the comparison clear and prominent.

 Subject matter and Metaphor :
           The notion/idea that we hold as eternal is that the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West. Before sun rising Venus is seen distinctly in the sky and it is called the 'Morning Star'. Venus shines brightly in the sky and it is the first star that appears in the sky after the sunset. For this it is called the 'Evening Star'. In the realm of nature the Sun sets in the West , it loses its brightness and the evening star appears. After that the Earth is enveloped with darkness and nothing is seen  and recognized in this state of existence. Human life is metaphorically compared with this natural phenomena. 'Sunset'  and 'Evening Star' symbolize the old age of human being. The poet says when he is in his old age, he clearly hears the call of someone, the call of the other world, the call of death. He has prepared his mind to start the voyage to the other world. In the expression " I put out to sea" the 'sea' stands for the world of death which may well be called the land of 'Afterlife'. The poet expects that in time of his setting out to the afterlife there will be no "moaning of the bar" i.e. nobody will cry or make any expression of sadness. 'Moaning of the bar' indicates the wail-like sound that arises in the seashore from the crashing waves, blowing wind and inclement weather. 

         It is full tide now in the sea. No wave is crashing on the  shore, no sound is heard and no foam is formed . The tide  without any movement seems asleep. The  water that has come from the depth of the sea is turning back in its former position. This natural pelagic phenomena may be compared with the facts of human life. When it is full tide, full to the brim, the movement of the water is about to be stopped.The same is the condition of the poet's mind. Hearing the call of death the poet is not, at all , upset. Like the motionless tide poet's mind is full of serenity. Actually, he is not going to any unknown land. His journey is towards the boundless deep , the original home, from where he once came and trod on this mundane plane, this world controlled by the " bourne of time and place ".

         In the third stanza the poet has first mentioned the phenomenon of the natural world, the matter of 'twilight' , 'evening bell' and 'dark'. Twilight is the period of the day just after the sunset and  before evening. After the setting of the Sun some brightness remains but that does not last long. Evening , the boundary between day and night, proclaims the impending darkness, the dark state of the world, when nothing can be seen. Twilight stands for the old age, the evening bell symbolizes the impending death and the dark is the symbol to the world of death. One question arises here. Is the other world really dark ? The other world is dark to those people who do not know the philosophy of present human life ,  the life before birth and the life after death. The poet thinks it in other way. To him death is not a  matter of panic, it is inspiring , it is a bright plane. For this the poet intends a happy farewell in time of his embarking of the other world. He expects nobody would feel any pang in heart when the poet would breathe his last.   The last age of human being is metaphorically compared with the matter of twilight , evening and the dark.

       Poet's expectation and that of us is that the flood of death would bear the poet's soul to a far land from the limit of time and place of this material world. The poet is so optimistic that he is  sure of the meeting with the 'pilot'. He  would see the pilot or God face to face when he would cross the bar denoting the barrier of death. One can touch the realm of afterlife, if one can cross the sand bar i.e. death.

Symbolism in "Crossing the Bar" : Symbol is a word that is derived from the Greek noun 'symbolon' meaning 'mark', 'emblem', 'token' or 'sign' and from the Greek verb 'symballein' that means  'to through together'. However in literature, symbol is an object , big or small, animate or inanimate, that represents something else. A symbol, unlike the allegory, has a real existence. 

   Sunset, twilight , evening star and dark are four prominent symbols taken from the natural world and all are related to evening.Sunset and twilight stand for the 'old age'. Evening star represents the 'sign of death'  and dark is the symbol of 'death'. The sandbar symbolizes  'the fine barrier of death'.    Boundless deep is the symbol of the 'other world' and home denotes our original home, the place meant for afterlife. The word farewell indicates the 'time of death' and embark stands for the 'voyage for other world'. Pilot is the most prominent symbol  which stands for 'God' himself. All these symbols used by Tennyson jointly help him to convey the spiritual  message related to the human life.    

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Importance of the last leaf in O. Henry's short story "The Last Leaf" and the title of the story.

Introduction :  "The Last Leaf" is a short story written by O.Henry,the noted and famous story writer in America. O.Henry is the pseudonym  of William Sydney Porter. This great literary master has written a short  story on the last leaf of an Ivy vine and has named  his story as  "The Last Leaf". The last leaf in this story is not an ordinary one as it bears much significance. The story of the last leaf makes durable and strong impression on the mind of all sorts of readers. Let us take a look on the subject matter of the story "The Last Leaf".

Story in brief : The plot of the story revolves round the three main characters : Johnsy and Sue, two  young artists and Berhman,the old one.They all lived in a "squatty three-story brick" building at Greenwich village where the poor artists generally settled. Johnsy and Sue started a joint studio. Berhman ,a man of past sixty,lived on the ground floor. This apparently unsuccessful artist loved these two young artists very much and also protected them like a guardian. 

     Pneumonia attacked severely Johnsy who lay helplessly with a strange premonition of her impending death. She could see from her bed an old  decaying ivy vine on the rough brick  wall which was distinctly seen through the window, just few feet opposite. It was raining  incessantly augmented with hard storm and consequently the leaves of that vine were dropping down one after another. This decaying of the leaves is somehow affected the weak mind of Johnsy who began to fancy that she must die with the falling of the last leaf of that ivy vine.  Johnsy lost all sorts of interest of life and living and started counting the leaves backward. Doctor of physic who visited Johnsy declared that she might survive if she could regain the interest of living. Strangely enough, in spite of fierce gusts of wind during whole night the last leaf of that  vine was hanging bravely on its position. Another strange thing happened - Johnsy got back the love and passion for life and living, she realized her mistake and admitted that " It is a sin to want to die." Johnsy recovered from her illness, vivified herself and the aspiration for painting 'the Bay of Naples' came back to her again.

Discussion : Such is the story of the last leaf and this story appears to be an improbable one. The matter of the last leaf may not come in the centre of such grave discussion. The question 'why is the last leaf so important' may arise. There is a story behind this story and the hero of this story is none other than the seemingly failure old artist Berhman. The last leaf of the ivy vine could not stand the might of the rain and storm of that ghastly night, it fell like the other ones. The old artist Berhman, defying the inclement and adverse wintry weather and at the cost of his life, painted a same leaf on the wet wall. He had to face the consequences of it. This old  artist caught severe cold , could not avoid pneumonia as well as death. 

      It is known from the story that Berhman is trying to paint his masterpiece for twenty five years and for it  the canvass, the colour and the brush are kept ready. Is is not  Berhman's masterpiece. The last leaf painted by Berhman is no doubt his masterpiece. The last leaf declares the triumph of the old artist and his devotion to art. The last leaf servers as the cure-all as it saves the life of Johnsy. One thing I can not help mentioning that the last leaf has taken the life of another artist, the life of Berhman.  

       The last leaf at once manifests may things. It proves that art has the life saving power, art can vivify the dying artist. It is the proof of the sacrifice of an artist as it brings the message that an artist can even bet his life to save the life of another artist. We get the maxim from the last leaf that a true artist cares little for his life for the sake of art. 

    The last leaf remains at the centre of the story. The dramatic tension is created with the last leaf and the tension is also resolved with the last leaf. The last leaf shapes the theme of the story , steers it towards the completeness and ultimately sponsors the very lesson of the story. The subject matter and the theme of the story revolves round these two words "last leaf ". In a word, the "last leaf " forms the key-note of the story. So, The Last Leaf is definitely the most befitting and appropriate title for this story of O. Henry.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Thematic similitude between John Keats' poem "The poetry of Earth" and Thomas Hardy's poem " In time of the breaking of Nation " .

    Introduction  :-

 John Keats (1795 - 1821) , the poet of Nature,was one of the Romantic Poets of the younger generation.  Thomas Hardy (1840 - 1928) was a Victorian realist who was famous for his Novels as well as poems. What I am going to present here are   two  poems of these two poets : one is John Keats' poem "The poetry of Earth" and the other one being Thomas Hardy's poem " In time of the breaking of  Nation ". Though these poems are composed in different time, though these are from the pens of two different personalities, these poems carry a similar message. John Keats' poem "The poetry of Earth" and Thomas Hardy's poem " In time of the breaking of  Nation " are , as if, tuned in the same tone ; the same theme is reflected from the centre of these two eternal songs.

"The poetry of Earth"  ( The text)

The Poetry of earth is never dead:    
 When all the birds are faint with the hot sun,    
And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run    
From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead;    
That is the Grasshopper’s—he takes the lead      
In summer luxury,—he has never done    
With his delights; for when tired out with fun    
He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.    

The poetry of earth is ceasing never:    
 On a lone winter evening, when the frost     
 Has wrought a silence, from the stove there shrills    
The Cricket’s song, in warmth increasing ever,    
And seems to one in drowsiness half lost,    
The Grasshopper’s among some grassy hills.

"The poetry of Earth"  :The poem starts with a very fascinating line : " The poetry of earth is never dead." The rhythm of the poetry of the earth keeps the earth alive.Crisis and catastrophe may come at any time with all annihilating powers , hard times may strangle the life, but the soul of the earth can not be buried deep. Some agent of the earth must survive amidst danger to continue the song of the soul of the earth. 

     Let us take a peep into the subject matter of  John Keats' poem "The poetry of Earth". In the octave of this sonnet (Petrarchan type) Keats has presented the music of the Summer which is hold firmly in the voice of the 'grasshopper'. All singing birds are exhausted in the extreme heat of the Sun and they , discontinuing the song of life - the music of  the earth, are taking rest in the 'cooling tree' . It does  not mean that the poetry of earth is dead. The grasshopper,the denizen of the 'new-mown mead', comes forward to take the lead and he wanders from hedge to hedge with the inspiring anthem of life. The grasshopper is never tired with the hot sun and has never done with his delights. Being tired out with excessive fun " He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed."  Life or poetry of earth  seems to be stopped, but the reality is that even a tiny insect continues the poetry or song of life when all others who are assigned  to this specific job take the heels away from this arena. 
      Like the first stanza (octave) the second one , the sestet, starts with a tone of optimism :
The poetry of earth is  ceasing never." The poet has presented the music of the Winter in the vioce of 'cricket' . In a lonely winter evening frost has caused a profound silence as each and everyone ,almost all creatures are inside the shelter. Is the  poetry of earth dead then ? No, obviously not.Some shrill sound is prominent from the stove and it is nothing but the cricket's song. This music of the earth is increasing the warmth of the world. 

      This beautiful earth is created by God and everything is so neatly arranged that balance would be maintained every where and every moment. The motion of life, the rhythm of life, is the poetry or song of the earth and this rhythm is perpetual. What does it matter, if the singing birds, the singers of the earth, fail to come and perform their duty ? The tiny creatures like the 'grasshopper' and the 'cricket' , the tiny representative of God, are ready to 
to take the responsibility with a view to continuing the poetry of the earth. 
In time of " The breaking of  Nations "  ( The text)

Only a man harrowing clods
    In a slow silent walk
With an old horse that stumbles and nods
    Half asleep as they stalk.

Only thin smoke without flame
    From the heaps of couch-grass;
Yet this will go onward the same
    Though Dynasties pass.

Yonder a maid and her wight
    Come whispering by:
War’s annals will fade into night
    Ere their story die.

In time of " The breaking of  Nations " :-  The subject matter of this poem is very simple one that draws some simple rustic pictures, but the theme of the poem is not limited to the simple and local matter. A man, only a  man, is harrowing  clods silently with his old horse. The horse is so old and exhausted that it nods and stumbles of and on . The movement of these two lonely creatures creates an effect of their half-asleep state. The second picture like the first one is obviously that of the cultivation. A thin smoke is rising from the heap of the burning weeds. The poet says that this smoke-rising from the cultivated land will be going on though the Royal Families will taste the bitterness of annihilation. A lover and his sweet-heart are coming whispering. Their story  of love will continue, will  never end. Love story must achieve the perpetuation ,but the history of war will go to the land of oblivion for ever.

           These three simple rustic pictures jointly emanate a grave and impressive theme of the poem. We find a list of what will go on and what will not.The primal occupation of human life like the cultivation and love making will go on for good. The 'dynasties' or royal families are not perpetual and the war's annals or the record of the war will go to oblivion. Actually, any action  or agent related with destruction can not stand before time. Time's decimating force will turn them to dust. On the other hand, the constructive force and activities are supported by god so that the earth would go on to be peopled. Love making and cultivation are two primal and original activities for the continuation of the nations.  

Friday, February 18, 2022

Discussion on the Husband-Wife relationship between Marco and Rosie in Narayan's novel "The Guide" .

Introduction : A young couple , Marco and Rosie, arrived at Malgudi (Rosie came one day after Marco's arrival) and started boarding at Anand Bhavan Hotel which was properly arranged by Raju the tourist guide. From the behaviour of this couple and the description of Raju we get a realistic picture of  husband-wife relationship adeptly maintained by Marco, the research scholar and his highly qualified ( M.A. in Economics) wife  Rosie.  

Husband - Wife Relationship : Marriage is an institution that helps to establish the husband-wife relationship. A young man and such a woman start their conjugal life through marriage which is generally performed amidst incantation, rites, blessings and benediction of the priests, superiors and other well-wishers. The Sanskrit Mantra " Jadidang Hridyang Taba, Tadastu Hridayang  Mama" (the heart of the groom and that of the bride  become one) is distinctly uttered by  both bride and groom. In the midst  of the marriage troop it is a sort of promise  that would maintain and strengthen the husband-wife relationship like the everlasting one. Different marriage rites are prevalent in different community throughout the world and it is the old traditional arrangement.

Come to the point and concentrate on a Newspaper advertisement : "Wanted an educated, good-looking girl to marry a rich bachelor of academic interests. No cast restrictions ; good looks and university degree essential." This was Marco's advertisement and Rosie was not ready to miss the chance. What happened is in Rosie's words : "Well, we met, he examined me and my certificate,we went to a registrar and got married." No congregation was found, no conch was blown, no incantation was uttered, no blessing was showered. The best relationship in the life of  Marco and Rosie started through a commercial instrument and a professional individual.God knows how smooth would this relationship run and how long it would exist. It is indeed  a legally established marriage and this wed-lock has tied Marco and Rosie in the husband-wife relationship.

Relationship is a sentiment and it is to be maintained properly. Social code of conduct and the existing laws of the land may monitor a relationship, may control it to a little extent but can not maintain it, can not develop it. It is the temperament and the characteristics of both the parties that maintain a relationship properly and bring healthy development. When the mentality, taste and activity of two persons become similar to a certain extent a relationship is developed.Quite naturally, the taste and temperament of Marco and Rosie contribute much in the  husband-wife relationship between them. Let us throw some light on this matter.   

Marco is a highly qualified person and  now he is engaged in his research work of  cave painting in the Malgudi area. Some odd behaviour and eccentricity are the elements of Marco's  character. Only the research work, no other thing is important to him. He is a very methodical man who maintains the punctuality and observes the discipline in every step of life. The problem is that he is blunt to the finer feelings and emotional appeal of others,  particularly of his wife Rosie who is  considered as a living domestic machine to him. Rosie,his wife hails from 'a family traditionally dedicated to the temple as dancers', but she is unconventional and unorthodox. Rosie is educated, beautiful and to some extent modernized. What is more, she is sexually fascinating and she does not care for the norms of loyalty and chastity. These two types of individuality can not be well-matched.

 That the  husband-wife relationship between Marco and Rosie  is very much loose is marked at the very moment of their arrival and it is clear from some  words of Raju : " Her arrival had been a sort of surprise for me . The man was the first to appear. I had put him up at the Anand Bhavan Hotel. After a day of sightseeing he suddenly said one afternoon, 'I must meet the Madras train. Another person is coming'. " Marco's  arrival without Rosie and the delayed arrival of Rosie may be due to some unavoidable circumstances,but Marco's mention of his wife Rosie as 'another person' is not normal. Some bitterness in the husband and wife  relationship is exposed from such utterance. 

The meaning  of the relationship in which the  parties are involved must be known first by both of them and then they should realize it properly. This is enough for the smooth development. A good relationship must grow imperceptibly. The true meaning of wife is not clear to Marco who wants such a woman as his wife who would take care of his household and would help him in his academic  career, in every matter of life and would support him both mentally and physically. Marco provides all sort of comforts, money and ornaments. He allows Rosie to move freely but within a protected area. Rosie seems to be a free lady, though she is dealt with a very conservative way. Rosie is destined to be a gifted dancer, but Marco,in no way, would allow her to take part in any dance. Like a caged bird Rosie would have to live with broken wings. She may jump and hop, but would not be allowed to open the wings. If she tried to cross the boundary, her wings would be  clipped again. Such a relationship can not be called  sound and healthy.


Friday, January 7, 2022

Henry Wardsworth Longfellow's famous poem "A Psalm of Life" - Summary and Message.

👉Introduction : "A Psalm of Life"  is a lyric poem written by the famous American poet  Henry Wardsworth  Longfellow. The name itself suggests that it has some religious touch and so it is a religious lyric. 'Psalm' is a sacred song or poem used in worship. Here the matter of worshiping is not devoted to any deity or God, it is the worshiping of life. This poem may be said a sort of  'Invocation' to mankind to realize the true meaning of life and to follow the path of righteousness that would make a life meaningful, not 'an empty dream'.
Optimism is at every line of this poem.

 Summary- Stanza 1 :            

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
   Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
   And things are not what they seem.

👉 The poet H.W.Longfellow requests one not to tell him in mournful verses or sorrowful  term that life of human being is nothing but an empty dream or a meaningless journey. He rejects such an idea and says that the persons who slumber or are in sleeplike state are dead, obviously the owner of dead soul.He also confirms that the things of this world can not be defined and meant according to their notion. Things of this world are still unrecognized to them as they are  dead soul. 

 Summary- Stanza 2 :

Life is real! Life is earnest!
   And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
   Was not spoken of the soul.

  ðŸ‘‰ Life of human being created by God has a definite purpose. It is called 'real' by the poet, that means life is 'meaningful'. It is our duty to make our life meaningful. Life is called 'earnest' the meaning of  which is 'sincere'. We have to do everything sincerely  whatever we should do to achieve our 'goal' which is not, with  the least doubt, the 'grave'. Life ends in death, this is destiny, but this can not be the destination of our life.We know that we are made of 'dust', after death our body would turn to dust, but it is not applicable to our soul, because the body is perishable, the soul is not. 

 Summary- Stanza 3 :

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
   Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each to-morrow
   Find us farther than to-day.

 ðŸ‘‰ What should be the right and perfect way of living / It is neither 'enjoyment' nor the 'sorrow'. One should not be indulged in excessive enjoyment, not be submersed in the depth of sorrow. Our duty is to act joyfully as assigned to us by God.Acting wisely and properly should be our enjoyment. We must be careful of and mindful to our action so that we can grow each day by slow degree and each tomorrow would bring our further development.

 Summary- Stanza 4 :

Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
   And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still, like muffled drums, are beating
   Funeral marches to the grave.

👉 Our life is an art , every deed or our life is a part of art and we have to perform it with utmost perfection. The deed or work assigned to us is vast and time-taking .At the same time the work of perfection or the art is long and ever-lasting. On the other hand, the time given us by god that is our life span is very short for performing so many good works. So the poet says that the time is fleeting. We are the owner of strong and brave heart, but we can not stop the heart beats and make our life long. The heart is going on beating like a 'muffled drum' and ends in  our funeral march for taking us to our graves. Taking it to the mind we have to utilize every moment, with courage, for good work.   

 Summary- Stanza 5 :

In the world’s broad field of battle,
   In the bivouac of Life,
Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
   Be a hero in the strife!

👉 The world is compared to a vast battlefield and our life to a temporary camp for the soldiers (bivouac).We are the soldiers to fight the battle of the life bravely within the given stipulated period of time.Human beings are not like the cattle to be driven to any direction  by others. Human life must have a mission, a defined aim to achieve. Our duty is to combat and overcome all trouble and strife on the way of achieving our goal and wear the crown of the hero.

 Summary- Stanza 6 :

Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!
   Let the dead Past bury its dead!
Act,— act in the living Present!
   Heart within, and God o’erhead!

👉 One should not trust the future though it seems pleasant. The action and result of future are not in our hands, these lacks certitude.The incidents of the past, good or bad, are dead and we should forget them to avoid the pull of the past.The wise decision is to live with the present.One should act with enthusiasm in heart and God,s presence in mind.

 Summary- Stanza 7 :

Lives of great men all remind us
   We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
   Footprints on the sands of time;

👉 The lives of the great men are the prominent example of the noble purpose of our lives. Through their noble and selfless deeds they have made their lives sublime. They are a sort of education as they remind us that everyone can make  his/her life noble and sublime , can scale many a steps  to achieve the greatest height. Death is our destiny and when we would die we must leave some prominent footprints on the 'sands of time.' 

 Summary- Stanza 8 :

Footprints, that perhaps another,
   Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
   Seeing, shall take heart again.

👉 Life of human being is like a vast sea (solemn main ). We sail on this sea to make the life meaningful.The footprints left by us in this world shines like bright pole star. A forlorn brother who,losing all morale and strength of mind, is running a frustrated life will find some ray of hopes in  footprints left by some noble soul before. The noble deeds must inspire the broken mind to pull courage and strength in his/her heart.

 Summary- Stanza 9 :

Let us, then, be up and doing,
   With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
   Learn to labor and to wait.

👉 Life of man is not meant to wait and see. It is full of activities. Our heart must always be charged with full energy and courage so that it can confront any situation and can brook any fate. One should not think about the consequence of the action and activities, should not recoil for any imaginary impediment. Our duty is to pursue and achieve our goal. If we learn to labour ,we must not be doubtful of the result. Patient waiting after hard labour brings about prestigious rewards  in life.