Definition :
Symbolism is a very common and a well-known word in the field of literature. 'Symballein' is a Greek verb and 'symbolon' is a Greek noun.The word 'symbol' comes in English from these two Greek words. 'Symballein' the verb means 'to throw together' and the noun 'symbolon' means a 'sign' or 'mark' or 'token'. So symbol or the sign is an object (animate or inanimate) which represents something else.Symbol stands for any other thing. In Coleridge's language a symbol 'is characterized by a translucence of the special in the individual'. The French poet Mallarme provides us with some explanation regarding symbolism and to him symbolism is the art of evoking an object ' little by little so as to reveal a mood '. Mallarme's follower Henri de Regnier's view about symbol is that it is implicit , oblique and something that is not spelt out. Symbol is , according to him, a comparison between the concrete and the abstract.
Concept of symbolism :
Some examples may clarify the word 'symbolism' and may help the readers to make out the matter of 'symbolism', its importance and its usefulness. Symbol may be tangible or intangible. Here are some example of palpable symbols. We generally find a 'scale' in the court of law and this 'scale' symbolizes 'justice'. Take the flower 'rose' which stands for 'beauty', while the 'lily' for 'purity'. A very known bird 'dove' stands for 'peace' whereas the king of beast 'lion' is taken as the symbol of 'strength and courage'. The 'cross' is the symbol for 'Christianity' and the 'crooked cross' (swastika) for Nazi Germany and Fascism.
Some action and gestures may have some significance and these ones serve as symbol. Someone with 'clenched fist' is found in some situation which symbolizes something and this is nothing but 'aggression'.When a person starts 'beating his breast' his action symbolizes 'remorse'. 'Raised arms' of someone stands for 'surrender'. So the place of symbol in literature is vast and varied.
Functions of symbolism :
In literature symbolism plays vital role to make the meaning clear and prominent. It not only adds depth but also brings different layers of meaning of the narrative which at once becomes thought- provoking. How does symbolism helps a writer is mentioned here.
(a)Theme Enhancement : The theme of a narrative is the vital part and its effect can be enhanced with the help of symbol .The central theme is reinforced with symbol. For example, the "three wired sisters" in Macbeth symbolizes that the play has some connection with supernatural and cruelty.
(a)Character Representation : In the description of characters symbol is more useful than verbal repre-
sentation. In Shakespeare's Macbeth blood is justly
used to Symbolize the psychological state and fear of Lady Macbeth's mind.
symbol and symbolism.