'Loving in Truth' ( From Astrophel and Stella)
"Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show,
That she, dear she, might take some pleasure of my pain,—
Pleasure might cause her read, reading might make her know,
Knowledge might pity win, and pity grace obtain".
( Line 1-4 )
The candid confession of the poet-lover is that his love for his beloved (here for Penelope Devereux) is true and honest. He gladly wants to show his love through his poetry. He believes that his sweetheart would read his poem and must take some pleasure for the painful situation of the poet. Actually, the pain of the poet proves that he still loves her even after separation and it would please the lady-love. The pleasure will inspire the beloved to read more. The more she read, the more will she know about the poet's state of mind. More knowledge would make her more kind and from this kindness would emanate long coveted favour of the beloved.
"I sought fit words to paint the blackest face of woe;
Studying inventions fine her wits to entertain,
Oft turning others' leaves, to see if thence would flow
Some fresh and fruitful showers upon my sunburn'd brain."
( Line 5-8 )
For painting (in his poem) the black or uninspiring picture of his woeful situation the poet is finding appropriate words which are not immediately available. He thinks that study may provide him with fine imagination (invention)to entertain his beloved. So, he is frequently turning the leaves of poetry books of other poets. He is hopeful that this endeavor would flow some 'fresh and fruitful showers' of imagination to the unproductive (sunburned) brain of the poet and it would help him in writing poems.
"But words came halting forth, wanting invention's stay;
Invention, Nature's child, fled step-dame Study's blows;
And others' feet still seem'd but strangers in my way."
( Line 9 - 11 )
The poet realizes that some words he can collect from others' poetry, but these are not adequate in number and are not steady. The 'feet' ( line of poems ) of the other poets look like the strangers to the way of writing .Naturally these words are not useful to write poem that would entertain his disappointed love.Actually, imagination is the product of nature, it come in natural way in the mind of the poet. The created or cultivated imagination by study is like a step mother's love to her step-child which is not natural. Poetry is the natural flow of feelings.
"Thus great with child to speak and helpless in my throes,
Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite,
"Fool," said my Muse to me, "look in thy heart, and write."
( Line 12-14 )
The poet's condition is like that of a pregnant lady in throes (labour pain). He is full of ideas and he has much to say but he can not express. The pen has become truant; as if, flying from him. The poet bites his pen and beating his brain idly for expression. He is in a spirit of vexation for his failure. At that critical moment the Muse (goddess of poetry or divine inspiration) appears and calls him fool for his such activities. She advises the poet to look to his heart and write poem. What would come from the core of his heart would be perfect poetry. Borrowed feeling and imagination can not be the source of poetry.
"That she, dear she, might take some pleasure of my pain."
The poet says that his beloved would be pleased as he is in some painful situation. It doesn't mean that the poet's comment is some wrong or the beloved of the poet is a cruel lady.Deep love on the part of the beloved is inherent in the thinking of the poet. Actually, the beloved Penelope is now the mistress of some other person. The poet can not forget his beloved till now,though there is the least or no chance to have her. His fathomless pain for Penelope is the proof of his eternal love for her. Such a knowledge and feeling uplift the position of Penelope in the reign of love and evaluate her love as unforgettable , a rare and higher sort of love. Quite naturally, the beloved would take pleasure of this situation.