Monday, November 27, 2023

Sonnet of Sri Aurobindo and interpretation.

A Tree
          Sri Aurobindo

A tree beside the sandy rive-beach
Holds up its topmost boughs
Like fingers towards the skies they cannot reach,
Earth-bound, heaven-amorous.

This is the soul of man, body and brain,
Hungry for earth our heavenly flight detain.

Discussion : This short poem containing a quatrain and a couplet brings about a fine metaphor as we find in it an implicit comparison between a tree and the human soul. The tree mentioned here holds up its topmost boughs towards the sky i.e. towards the heaven. The tree is fixed on the earth and it is not possible for it to touch the sky, though it intends to  do so.The same picture , same situation is implied 
in the activities of human beings who, holding up the fingers try to have the experience of heaven.

Human beings are in the contradictory situation and they are 'earth-bound' and at the same time  'heaven-amorous'. Human being is so absorbed with the gross earthly matters that pull him backwards like a magnet when his soul intends to undertake a flight towards heaven.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Problems faced by Satyajit Ray in time of shooting his film 'Pather Panchali'.

 Introduction - We have in Indian English Literature a famous essay entitled 'A Long Time On the Little Road' written by the great Oskar winner Satyajit Ray. The essay is based on the  first hand experience of Ray in time of shooting of the film 'Pather Panchali' and some problems faced by this  artist of Bengal in time of doing so. Different setbacks and uncertainties sometimes  made him standstill but those were temporary and Mr. Ray ultimately overcame and succeeded in giving a precious gift  'Pather Panchali' to the film lovers.
Though beset with different problems Satyajit Ray  did gain a great satisfaction at different stages of this shooting.

Problems :  The problems faced by Satyajit Ray in time of shooting his film 'Pather Panchali' may be divided into four groups - 
(a)  Financial Problem (b) Location Problem 
(c) Technical Problem  and (d) Human Problem . 

(a)  Financial Problem : The problem of money stood before Ray like a mountain . Actually, He started shooting with a paltry amount of rupees 8000/- only at the bank. As Ray was new in film direction it was hard for him to get financer   Naturally, his intention was to produce cheaply and quickly a reasonable length of 'rough cut',that would help to establish his bonafides  and getting some financer. Lack of fund delayed the production
for one and half year. Satyajit Ray had to suffer some pangs and peculiar torments for the financial crisis or 'enforced idleness'.

 (b) Location Problem : Mr. Ray  had to go for the outdoor shooting and there he faced difficulties.
It was the first day's shooting in the field of white kaash flowers in a rural area. The maxim 'well begin is half done' proved wrong in this case. Ray took eight shots and returned half-finished but when the other day he came the same place to make it complete, he with utter surprise and dismay discovered that the ' sea of fluffy whiteness' has gone and turned into an expanse of brownish wasteland. Where was the field of white sea of kaash flowers ? A local people explained that the Kaash was a sort of fodder and a herd of cattle had come and 'had literally chewed up the scenery'.  Such heart-breaking the location problem is !

(c) Technical Problem : It is the problem of instruments , the problem that centered round the position of camera in time of shooting.Where would the camera be placed ? Near of far , high or low, on the dolly or on the ground? There were some problems arisen after the shooting. The problems were in the work in the laboratory, in the process of cutting and joining. The writer had to wait in the laboratory with much patience and anxiety for the ghost like negatives of the film.  

 (d) Human Problem : Human factors appear as a great problem to Mr. Ray. He was much tensed and anxious about the characters of film. Much  delay in shooting  means the children acting here were growing fast. Besides, it was not possible to keep an old lady of eighty standing on the mid day sun for taking shots repeatedly for perfection. 

      To conclude,the artistic conscience of Satyajit Ray when he had to  compromise,not his liking, with some situations and matters. Ray had to carry on the work of film making by all sorts of balancing and he  overcame the sereas of   problems stood before him.  

Thursday, November 2, 2023

I Need , You too. : A poem written by the Blogger.

I Need , You too .

You and life need a thing,
Not so rare, you can bring,
From the rill, and the spring.

Dear friend, that is water,
It helps life to run better,
To have it, doesn't matter.

One may say it only motion,
That brings a rill to the ocean,
Is it not the spring's passion ?

In the water motions rest,
With the passion it is drest,
Both jointly make life best.

I say it is river's goal,
To the ocean it must roll,
As to 'His place' runs our soul.

Oh ! God, be much kind ,
So that in me I do find,
Your tint and a good mind .


What does the poet say ?
  The poet here points out that one thing is essential in life and one can find that easily from the spring and river. The thing is not a rare one as it is known to all sensible person ,all observers of life. (1) 

  The coveted thing is the water that is the very essence of life and the life of the rivers. Water is the life as water helps to run a life. Water is the life of a river as it is the very water which keeps the motion or current, the life of streams or rills. It is very easy to fetch water from rivers. (2) 

   A person may say that the essential thing for life is nothing but motion that is the very life of a rill.The current or the motion of the river brings it to the ocean . It is the passion of a river as the only aim of all rivers, all springs is to mingle with the limitless water,the sea.(3)
 The life of   river is  water as well as the motion  which are  inseparable.Motion is found in the water and without water the term motion is meaningless. The passion  is latent in these two things. One may say that the water and the motion is dressed with the passion. These three things - water, motion and passion - jointly lead a river smoothly , metaphorically may run a life lively.(4)   

   Everything in this world is created by god for a valid purpose. Everything has a definite  aim. The aim of a river is to run at its own accord and mingle with the  limitless ocean. similarly,the aim of man's soul  is to run to his place, i.e. to be united  with the supreme creator or God. (5)

  Human beings like to have a tint of God in him/her and having  it become grateful to God. His/Her earnest request to God is for a good mind which would help him/her to love others and to surrender completely himself before to God. (6)                                                                                                                                                                                                


Path for Me : A poem written by the Blogger.

Path for Me

Think you not, go on straight,
Not ever submit to the low ;
Be dauntless before the fate, 
What if motion makes it slow.

You know his part is in you,
So you make your mind clear ;
His aura may come your view,
To give you an endless cheer.

In this sojourn what will you do ?
Think a less for you and self ;
Are you not truely assigned to, 
Spread your hands for the help ?

Thy body is the temple of God,
Never you do make it stain ;
Blessing must come from the Lord,
If you serve and serve for men.


(N.B. - Yes, I am selfish here. It is the 'Path for Me', as it is the best path in the life of human beings.I love me most, so the best thing I would keep  for myself. If you think you love yourself most, you also say 'Path for Me'. )