Think you not, go on straight,
Not ever submit to the low ;
Be dauntless before the fate,
What if motion makes it slow.
You know his part is in you,
So you make your mind clear ;
His aura may come your view,
To give you an endless cheer.
In this sojourn what will you do ?
Think a less for you and self ;
Are you not truely assigned to,
Spread your hands for the help ?
Thy body is the temple of God,
Never you do make it stain ;
Blessing must come from the Lord,
If you serve and serve for men.
(N.B. - Yes, I am selfish here. It is the 'Path for Me', as it is the best path in the life of human beings.I love me most, so the best thing I would keep for myself. If you think you love yourself most, you also say 'Path for Me'. )