Monday, September 28, 2020

American English vs British English // Americanism


It is not a matter of surprise that the poem of Robert Frost , an American poet, is fairly intelligible to the persons whose mother tongue is British English . On the other hand, Virginia Woolf  finds easy access to the reading public of America . Basically American English does not differ from British English ,Both are , in ultimate analysis , English . One thing, English , American or British , is quite a current coin on either part of the Atlantic .American English has a number of peculiarities which virtually lead to what is called Americanism . The peculiarities may be discussed under four heads : pronunciation , spelling , vocabulary and idiom and usage


Pronunciation : To some cases the Americans pronounce some letters and words in different ways from the Britishers do . In American English / t / is pronounced like / d / . Hence the words like ‘got’ , ‘get’ , ‘hat’ , ‘matter’ , etc. are so pronounced in America that they sound like ‘god’, ‘ ged’ , ‘had’, and ‘madder’ respectively . The words like ‘not’ , ‘hot’ , ‘lot’ etc. are so uttered in America that they sound like ‘nawt’ , ‘hawt’  and ‘lawt’  respectively . In British English / r / remains silent when followed by a consonant sound .  But an American always articulates / r /  whether it is followed by consonant or vowel sound .

Spelling : American English tries to bring about the simplification in spelling . American English seems to be more liberal and logical with regard to the simplification of spelling  . So , the words like 'honour' , 'labour' and 'colour' become 'honor' , 'labor' and 'color'  respectively in American English . Besides ,  the words like ‘theatre’ , ‘centre’, ‘fibre’, are spelt as ‘theater’ ,  ‘center’  and ‘fiber’ respectively in American English . Next  , the words ending with '-ce'  in British English becomes the words ending with  '-se' in American English . Naturally the words like ‘defence’  and ‘offence’ become ‘defense’ and ‘offense’ in American English . It is seen that some redundant letters are dropped in American English and for this the British words 'waggon' , 'programme' etc. become 'wagon' and 'program' in American English.

Vocabulary : The vocabulary in American English makes a good deal of peculiarity . It contains a number of words which exclusively confined in America and those words are seldom used in British English . As example we may refer to the words ‘moose’ ,  ‘opossum’  ,  ‘hickory’ etc.  We find the difference of sense in some words used in America  . ‘Bug’ in America means ‘any kind of insect’ . ‘Clerk’  , ‘solicitor’ and ‘lumber’  in America denote  ‘shopman’ , ‘salesman’ and ‘timber’ respectively . It is seen  that the American people prefer ‘apartment’  to  ‘flat’ ,  ‘baby-carriage’  to  ‘perambulator’ ,  ‘can’  to  ‘tin’ ,  ‘movie’  to  ‘cinema’ ,  ‘trunk’  to ‘lorry’  ,  ‘baggage’  to  ‘luggage’ and so on .

Idiom and Usage : We find some difference in the field of idiom and usage in American English and British English . The group verbs like ‘catch on’ , ‘fall for’  ,  ‘go in for’  ,  ‘go back upon’  ,  ‘put across’ etc.  smack of Americanism . The idiomatic phrases like ‘delivers the goods’  ,  ‘bury the hatchet’  ,  ‘go the whole hog’  etc. owe their origin to America . In America a simple past is often used in place of present perfect tense  . So , ‘I have finished the work’  is usually replaced by  ‘I finished the work’  . Moreover , ‘have’ is often used as a principal verb in America . Last but not least , the way of using ‘just’  as a substitute for  ‘only’  or  ‘simply’  is also an instance of Americanism . 

Ref: University Study Guide