Friday, October 30, 2020

“The Listeners” by Walter de la Mare – Summery and Critical discussion.

Introductory  words :

 The publication of the poem “The Listeners” appeared as a magic in Walter de la Mare’s literary career, because the reading public could listen Mare’s  voice after its publication in 1912 and the poet comes to limelight. In this poem the poet has created a mysterious atmosphere and at the same time has told about the story of human beings. The opening line “Is there anybody there ?” is the eternal question of man in this earthly stage of life.

Summery of the poem:

In a moonlit night an unknown traveler comes on the back of a horse to a deserted house in a forest.      He knocks at the moonlit door and calls aloud: “Is there anybody there ?” The horse starts munching the grasses of the ‘forest’s ferny floor’ and  a bird suddenly flies out of the turret just above the traveler’s head. No response comes from the inmates of the house and the man again knocks and makes the same query. Nobody comes to open the door, none peeps through the window to identify the traveler. He stands ‘perplexed and still’. He starts feeling that a host of bodiless listeners stand on the dark stair and listen his call silently. An uncanny feeling seizes his mind  and he feels that the very silence is the response to his call. With nervous hand he knocks the door for the third time and calls even louder and leaves his message : “Tell them I came and no one answered/That I kept my word.” His words are echoed through the silence of the empty haunted house, but the phantom listeners make no stir and make no answer. The traveler rides on his horse and gallops away . The phantom dwellers listen the sound of the hoofs and silence gradually occupies the entire area. 

Supernatural Aspect :

There is an enchanting story in this poem of Walter de la Mare “The Listeners”. The poet has created a supernatural atmosphere with some word play and some suggestive strokes. The poet has kept everything in vague  that makes the mind of the reader curious . Fusillade of questions comes to the reader’s mind. Who is the traveler ? Where is the house situated?   Why is the house  deserted now?  What has happened to the inmates of the house? Why has the traveler come ? Why nobody responds ? A state of  imprecision pervades everything. This vagueness brings about a nebulous  atmosphere. The expressions like “forest’s ferny floor” and “leaf –fringed sill” prove that nobody dwells in the house now  and for this the front yard is covered with weeds like fern and the creepers occupy the sills of the window. It certifies the misty nature of the place. Above all, the sudden flight of the bird over the traveler’s head and the playing of light and shade through the big trees in the moonlit forest augment the eeriness of the atmosphere.

Central Theme :

The subject matter of the poem “The Listeners” hears like an uncanny story but the theme is not so common and simple. The poem provides us with a philosophical  idea, the very nature of human world. Beyond this human world there is the world of the dead which is called the other world. The dim house where the traveler has come represents the other world. The denizens of this living world sometimes come to the door of other world and knocks at the door. He tries to make a communication ,but in vein. The dwellers of that world also gather at a certain place, perhaps ready to communicate but no communication  is possible. Actually, a man wants to communicate with the dead world during his life time, desirous to probe the reality and to know everything of the dead world. But that is not possible as a fine barrier named ‘death’ stands between living world  and other world. The world of the dead is so near but it seems to be a far land.  The knock at the door in this poem may be interpreted as the knock at one’s heart. The nature of man is to  knock at the door of other’s  heart with some desired purpose but it seems unintelligible like a world  full of darkness, like the haunted house.

Symbol and image :

 The poem “The Listeners” is replete with some symbol and image. The deserted house is the symbol of the other world full of darkness. The traveler is the representative of human beings. The closed door symbolizes death. The silence stands for the coldness and quietness of the dead world.

Meaning of title:

In this poem the phantom dwellers stand on the dark stair, they listen every call of the traveler, they enjoy the disturbance in the silence but they make no response. Actually, they listen only , their duty is only to listen. So they are merely listeners. It may be that they are desirous to answer to the traveler’s call, but they have no power to respond as their duty is only to listen. It may be indicative that the denizens of the other world can listen everything of this living world, and they are merely listeners. The function of the listeners is adherence to the title of the poem.