Sunday, November 15, 2020

Malgudi Days : R.K.Narayan : The secret of the friendship in the short story entitled “Leela’s Friend” and the story in brief.



‘Malgudi Days’  is the title of a short story collection written by  R.K.Narayan. Where is Malgudi ? The writer himself says that it is imaginary and not to be found in any map. Malgudi is not a small town in North India, it is found in different  parts of the world as the characteristic of Malgudi seems universal. However, Malgudi is town having some landmarks which recur in different short stories and novel of  R.K.Narayan. “Leela’s Friend” is a short story concerning with a very common subject matter of our day to day life.


The story in brief : 

Mr. Sivasanker, the representative of  South Indian typical middle class family, is thinking about the servant problem standing on the veranda . Sidda appears suddenly as God-sent and offers to be the servant. He is now jobless as his former master, a doctor, has left the town. Mr. Sivasanker calls his wife for taking decision and they delay a bit to finalise Sidda’s assignment. Meanwhile,  Leela, five-year-old girl of  Mr. Sivasanker comes out , looks at Sidda and declares her choice. Sidda’s  job as servant in Mr. Sivasanker’s house is now confirmed by Leela’s request. Two meals a day and four rupees a month Sidda would get as remuneration for household chores, washing clothes, gardening and looking after Leela.

Whenever Leela would cry : “Sidda, come and paly.”, the latter leaves the work at hand and responds  to the little madam. They play throwing ball, Sidda throws the ball into the sky as Leela commands. Sidda changes the place and proves  that the moon knows Sidda as the moon also changes its place  following  them. Sidda says : “I have asked it to follow us about”. Leela acts as a teacher and teaches the old student Sidda. After dinner when Leela is on her bed , Sidda sits on the floor near the bed and says incomparable stories about animals in forest, gods in heaven and strange magicians . Sidda gradually becomes a good friend of this little girl who spends most of her time with this servant .

One day Leela goes with Sidda for fetching some sugar from a shop. After their returning it is found that Leela’s gold necklace is missing. All responsibility of this missing seems to go to Sidda who  is rebuffed  and threatened of police. Sidda becomes mute like an animal and leaves the house stealthily .  Mr. Sivasanker informs the police who captures Sidda from his haunt few days later. When Sidda is brought in Mr. Sivasanker’s home, Leela, seeing his old best friend , becomes glad measurelessly .She does know the meaning of  thief  and stealing and  also the value of a gold necklace. Sidda, who declares that he has not taken the necklace, is silent and embarrassed for the abuse hurled towards him by the police. Ultimately, he  is taken to the police custody. Leela  becomes desperate and cries bitterly. Few days later, the  gold chain is found in the tamarind pot in the kitchen. The Police Inspector will be informed tomorrow but no Sidda again. Here ends the story.  


The secret of friendship between Leela and Sidda :

A good friend is a rare gift, as if, a gift from heaven. To become a true friend of a child is not very easy and it requires some perfect soft skill. It is a relationship of mutual affection and intense attachment. The basis of friendship between Leela and Sidda is obviously not sociological, it is out and out mental or psychological. A child is the denizen of the land of innocence. Leela’s mind naturally searches a mate of the same field which is fulfilled by Sidda who is endowed with innocence like a child. A child of five like Leela knows nothing about honesty, loyalty, sympathy, responsibility, dutifulness and the like qualities which help in developing friendship. She knows only love and affection of Sidda, she gets his company whenever and wherever she demands. On the other hand, Sidda knows how to become the friend of a child , a girl like Leela. He has developed a mutual understanding and he equally enjoys Leela’s company which is not possible by the acting of a servant. Sidda is gifted with some soft skills by which he can study Leela’s mind, can understand Leela’s necessity, can realize Leela’s feeling and can cater Leela’s demand. It may not be termed as trust but reliability that Leela finds in Sidda and she easily puts herself in the care of this person Sidda coming from outside of her house.

Is Sidda trained in nursery matters ? There is no mention of it in the story, he is merely a servant who works for two square meals. Actually, Sidda’s company anyhow makes Leela supremely happy. He takes Leela to some wonderland and plays with her in the field of imagination. He throws the ball up and when it comes down, he says that the ball touches the moon and a part of moon is sticking on the ball. When Leela enquires it he intelligently says that it evaporates very soon and goes back to the moon. Sidda firmly says that the moon know him and then plays the trick which is applied by the adults before the children in all times. Now he stands with Leela near the rose plant and the moon is here, now he takes Leela to the backyard and the moon is there. Leela claps her hands and cries in wonder. Actually, the basis of friendship between Leela and Sidda is the mutual enjoyment through continuous attachment and  mutual love built from unalloyed innocence.  The credit of this friendship is not only of Sidda, Leela is equally endowed with this soft skill at such little age and fifty percent of the credit goes to her. All children are not equally gifted with same good qualities. Sidda offers himself to be good friend and it is Leela who acknowledges him as a good one with her own affable and genial nature.