Thursday, December 14, 2023

John Osborne's play " LookBack in Anger" - The significance of the title of this play is found in the very 'title words' .

 " LookBack in Anger"
                                   John Osborne

Introduction : Title of any literary creation is of paramount importance as the title creates some sort of curiosity in the mind of the readers and motivates them for having the taste of the literary nectar arrested in it.The title of a poem or story or  other may be called the 'golden key' to unlock the treasure-trove of the dream land of literature. A good and meaningful christening proves the competence and literary skill of a writer of prose or poetry.

Elements of title : Title is made or chosen relying on different elements which are very commonplace  ones.It is frequently seen that title of many writings are based on the  name of the main character or the name of the protagonist. Sometimes the title is based on the activity or the consequences  of action performed by the main character or the protagonist. Sometimes it is the name of a place round which the action and the characters revolve. A grave problem prevalent in the society, a deep-rooted one, that causes  multi-faceted impact on the human world is sometimes taken as the best element of the title of a writing. A deeper philosophical interpretation may also be the basis of a title. The questions in the mind of the characters or the readers are also welcomed as the title. It is not very uncommon that the writer's   christening is metaphoric or symbolic.

Significance :  " Look Back in Anger" , Osborne's  play, contains three basic words : 'Look' ,'Back' and "Anger'. These words provoke to raise some questions - Who looks back ? Why he/she is looking back instead of looking ahead ?  Why  is there anger ?   
     The play progresses and it becomes clear like day light that the man who looks back is Jimmy Porter,the protagonist of the play, an angry young man who is a jobless husband - not a common chap but a brilliant graduate. Yes, Jimmy looks back .
        Jimmy is jobless now, jobless because he has resigned his earlier jobs one by one . He could not compromise with the malpractices found  in abundance in the society.Now he runs a sweet stall and somehow manages his livings. Jimmy's wife Alison eventually belongs to the affluent section of the society. Here we find a combination between haves and have-not and a strong class consciousness in the mind of Jimmy. It disturbs the mental peace of the angry hero who is frequently involved in a clash with his wife Alison who can not realize  the fault on her part. Being failure to earn a smooth and sufficient source of living Jimmy is frustrated now and he is quite sure that  this unjust social system , the pathetic socio-economic condition, the unequal distribution of the resources and wealth are the main causes of the misery of the majority of people. Obviously the ancestors established such social system which now exploits the poor millions and enables  a few privileged people to roll in gold. The cause of suffering , Jimmy thinks, is the ancestors of the present generation. So Jimmy looks back and curses his ancestors. Jimmy is so helpless, so frustrated and so downhearted that he has not the least wish, the least courage and the least morale to look ahead. 

     If we have the phrase in Hamlet "out of joint" that is quite appropriate to the situation of Jimmy who may easily be identified as the 'angry young man'. Frustration and disappointment lead Jimmy to anger. His is an imperfect age where reigns the vulgar materialism and heartless technological growth. Jimmy is in such a mental situation that he always longs for a little enthusiasm and love. Jimmy does  not have the least amount of  peace in his mind, naturally 'anger' disturbs Jimmy. How is it possible that The Bishop  of Bromley , the follower and the protector of religion,publicly encourages the  making of Hydrogen bomb. It is the  cause of Jimmy's resentment. The prevalent social classification which discriminates the upper class and the working class  ails Jimmy much and this unquiet mental state ultimately resulted in the outburst of profuse anger. One can easily identify that Jimmy's anger is directed towards woman folk, their apathetic mind towards their husband. Jimmy's mother never felt sympathy for idealistic husband. Similarly, Jimmy's wife Alison  does never show sympathy towards  Jimmy's helpless situation, never tries to understand the cause of her husband's frustration. Alison somehow keeps tune with Jimmy.of course superficially.All these are the causes of Jimmy's anger.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Sonnet of Sri Aurobindo and interpretation.

A Tree
          Sri Aurobindo

A tree beside the sandy rive-beach
Holds up its topmost boughs
Like fingers towards the skies they cannot reach,
Earth-bound, heaven-amorous.

This is the soul of man, body and brain,
Hungry for earth our heavenly flight detain.

Discussion : This short poem containing a quatrain and a couplet brings about a fine metaphor as we find in it an implicit comparison between a tree and the human soul. The tree mentioned here holds up its topmost boughs towards the sky i.e. towards the heaven. The tree is fixed on the earth and it is not possible for it to touch the sky, though it intends to  do so.The same picture , same situation is implied 
in the activities of human beings who, holding up the fingers try to have the experience of heaven.

Human beings are in the contradictory situation and they are 'earth-bound' and at the same time  'heaven-amorous'. Human being is so absorbed with the gross earthly matters that pull him backwards like a magnet when his soul intends to undertake a flight towards heaven.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Problems faced by Satyajit Ray in time of shooting his film 'Pather Panchali'.

 Introduction - We have in Indian English Literature a famous essay entitled 'A Long Time On the Little Road' written by the great Oskar winner Satyajit Ray. The essay is based on the  first hand experience of Ray in time of shooting of the film 'Pather Panchali' and some problems faced by this  artist of Bengal in time of doing so. Different setbacks and uncertainties sometimes  made him standstill but those were temporary and Mr. Ray ultimately overcame and succeeded in giving a precious gift  'Pather Panchali' to the film lovers.
Though beset with different problems Satyajit Ray  did gain a great satisfaction at different stages of this shooting.

Problems :  The problems faced by Satyajit Ray in time of shooting his film 'Pather Panchali' may be divided into four groups - 
(a)  Financial Problem (b) Location Problem 
(c) Technical Problem  and (d) Human Problem . 

(a)  Financial Problem : The problem of money stood before Ray like a mountain . Actually, He started shooting with a paltry amount of rupees 8000/- only at the bank. As Ray was new in film direction it was hard for him to get financer   Naturally, his intention was to produce cheaply and quickly a reasonable length of 'rough cut',that would help to establish his bonafides  and getting some financer. Lack of fund delayed the production
for one and half year. Satyajit Ray had to suffer some pangs and peculiar torments for the financial crisis or 'enforced idleness'.

 (b) Location Problem : Mr. Ray  had to go for the outdoor shooting and there he faced difficulties.
It was the first day's shooting in the field of white kaash flowers in a rural area. The maxim 'well begin is half done' proved wrong in this case. Ray took eight shots and returned half-finished but when the other day he came the same place to make it complete, he with utter surprise and dismay discovered that the ' sea of fluffy whiteness' has gone and turned into an expanse of brownish wasteland. Where was the field of white sea of kaash flowers ? A local people explained that the Kaash was a sort of fodder and a herd of cattle had come and 'had literally chewed up the scenery'.  Such heart-breaking the location problem is !

(c) Technical Problem : It is the problem of instruments , the problem that centered round the position of camera in time of shooting.Where would the camera be placed ? Near of far , high or low, on the dolly or on the ground? There were some problems arisen after the shooting. The problems were in the work in the laboratory, in the process of cutting and joining. The writer had to wait in the laboratory with much patience and anxiety for the ghost like negatives of the film.  

 (d) Human Problem : Human factors appear as a great problem to Mr. Ray. He was much tensed and anxious about the characters of film. Much  delay in shooting  means the children acting here were growing fast. Besides, it was not possible to keep an old lady of eighty standing on the mid day sun for taking shots repeatedly for perfection. 

      To conclude,the artistic conscience of Satyajit Ray when he had to  compromise,not his liking, with some situations and matters. Ray had to carry on the work of film making by all sorts of balancing and he  overcame the sereas of   problems stood before him.  

Thursday, November 2, 2023

I Need , You too. : A poem written by the Blogger.

I Need , You too .

You and life need a thing,
Not so rare, you can bring,
From the rill, and the spring.

Dear friend, that is water,
It helps life to run better,
To have it, doesn't matter.

One may say it only motion,
That brings a rill to the ocean,
Is it not the spring's passion ?

In the water motions rest,
With the passion it is drest,
Both jointly make life best.

I say it is river's goal,
To the ocean it must roll,
As to 'His place' runs our soul.

Oh ! God, be much kind ,
So that in me I do find,
Your tint and a good mind .


What does the poet say ?
  The poet here points out that one thing is essential in life and one can find that easily from the spring and river. The thing is not a rare one as it is known to all sensible person ,all observers of life. (1) 

  The coveted thing is the water that is the very essence of life and the life of the rivers. Water is the life as water helps to run a life. Water is the life of a river as it is the very water which keeps the motion or current, the life of streams or rills. It is very easy to fetch water from rivers. (2) 

   A person may say that the essential thing for life is nothing but motion that is the very life of a rill.The current or the motion of the river brings it to the ocean . It is the passion of a river as the only aim of all rivers, all springs is to mingle with the limitless water,the sea.(3)
 The life of   river is  water as well as the motion  which are  inseparable.Motion is found in the water and without water the term motion is meaningless. The passion  is latent in these two things. One may say that the water and the motion is dressed with the passion. These three things - water, motion and passion - jointly lead a river smoothly , metaphorically may run a life lively.(4)   

   Everything in this world is created by god for a valid purpose. Everything has a definite  aim. The aim of a river is to run at its own accord and mingle with the  limitless ocean. similarly,the aim of man's soul  is to run to his place, i.e. to be united  with the supreme creator or God. (5)

  Human beings like to have a tint of God in him/her and having  it become grateful to God. His/Her earnest request to God is for a good mind which would help him/her to love others and to surrender completely himself before to God. (6)                                                                                                                                                                                                


Path for Me : A poem written by the Blogger.

Path for Me

Think you not, go on straight,
Not ever submit to the low ;
Be dauntless before the fate, 
What if motion makes it slow.

You know his part is in you,
So you make your mind clear ;
His aura may come your view,
To give you an endless cheer.

In this sojourn what will you do ?
Think a less for you and self ;
Are you not truely assigned to, 
Spread your hands for the help ?

Thy body is the temple of God,
Never you do make it stain ;
Blessing must come from the Lord,
If you serve and serve for men.


(N.B. - Yes, I am selfish here. It is the 'Path for Me', as it is the best path in the life of human beings.I love me most, so the best thing I would keep  for myself. If you think you love yourself most, you also say 'Path for Me'. )

Sunday, October 29, 2023

'Wait ,wait a bit for me' : A Sonnet written by the Blogger.

 Wait ,wait a bit for me
                                       ( N.N.Pal )

Wait ,wait a bit for me ,
Helpless I am take with you.
I do behold the ray of glee,
And a promise for life new.

You think your step I don't know,
And think your path I ne'er like.
Upto doomsday I must go,
with you tough road I can hike.

Not unstable is your move,
At end must be shrine and he,
Deep pure halo does it prove,
You are bound sure to be free.

I know God's path you embrace,
So you lovelorn with his grace.

( It is a sonnet written in the style of Shakespeare. The Rhyme Scheme is " abab  cdcd  efef  gg  

Word Notes :
Behold - See.
Doomsday - Last day for judgement.
Hike - Walk long distance.
Shrine - Temple.
Halo - Circle of light.
Lovelorn - A person who deserves love.

None of soil goes selfless : A sonnet written by the Blogger.

None of soil goes selfless

None of soil goes selfless,
Self is the very essence,
Take it as human base,
Natural is its presence.

Some Gods tend to be so,
Pious reign makes it clear,
Its presence is not low,
Smooth life it may steer.

None can come to you 
Devoid of such thing ,
Girdle it , clear the view,
Tie it with love string.

Self makes the love bond strong,
Life on the Earth runs long.

( It is a sonnet written in the style of Shakespeare. The Rhyme Scheme is " abab  cdcd  efef  gg " ) 

Word Notes :
Essence - Element.
Base - Foundation .
Pious - Religious.
Steer - Move forward.
Girdle - tie / bind

Nomad - No Mad : A poem written by the Blogger.

Nomad - No Mad 

We are Nomad, but no mad,
Think not the life is very sad.
Antique lands we chance to go,
Land, aqua and life, we do know.

Globe is full with so many things, 
We are all tied with the strings .
Feast of a life one must taste,
Dip in deep hue to make best.

We have no home, not any land,
No time have we in our hand.
We have no mind for a leisure,
As we know the wander pleasure.

Within four walls a good plate, 
Feast of your life makes it great.
Inside a fine net a good sleep,
Swirling air-fan makes it deep.

In us you find civility nil,
We think it an eventful still.
You have no taste that we get,
Think and be happy with your state.

We are ready to bid 'Good-bye',
Forest calls us, calls blue sky.
We have call from upland stream,
You sleep in home, we have dream.

Word Notes :
Nomad - A race of human beings who have no fix home and they wander from place to place for living.
Antique -Unknown.
Aqua - Water.
Leisure - Rest.
Civility - Decency.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Worthiness - A poem written by the Blogger


Sweet buds bloom in the Morn ,
Lovely petals not to torn .
What a beauty on the bough ,
Look and look it, enjoy now.

Let them sway in the breeze ,
Such a smile not to cease.
Long will it come to view ?
'Time's Fool', oh ! nothing new.

Beauty fleeting, alas ! the fame ,
Leads to grave and fade the name.
Yet all things are assigned to ,
Own part that all have to do .

Nothing is useless on the Earth ,
Never a waste is any birth .
On 'His' feet if takes one rest ,
Name and worth must be best . 

Word Notes :
Morn  - Morning, 
Time's Fool - Everything in this world including human being proves to be fool in the hand of time as the sickle of time destroys everything in the long run / ultimately. 
His - God.

A New Day - A Poem written by the Blogger

" A New Day "
                 ( N.N.Pal )

Water take you in the morn,
 Not a little, but plenty ;
Such an act is not to scorn ,
If the stomach is empty .

You are ready to break fast,
Healthy food in your plate;
Take, take it with all gust,
Make sure you full maw state.

It's time for mid-day meal,
Lower the sum of your food ;
All the tummy will you fill ?
Keep some space , it is good.

With all light the Sun has gone,
Dinner ready , yes for you ;
Take half potluck and a fun ,
Of a good sleep and 'Day New' .

Word Notes :
Morn - Morning , after getting up from bed.
Gust - With the intention to quench appetite.
Maw - Belly , stomach.
Sum - Quantity
Tummy -  Belly , stomach. 
Potluck - food .
Day New - New Day .

Introduction : The poem is written with a view to making the readers health conscious a bit. The subject matter is about the taking of food by one at different time from morning to night. It bears a simple counsel and it is, I seem , known to all conscious ones. The poet's intention is only to remind this practice.

Summary : The proponents of good health say that it is  wise to take plenty of water just after   getting up from bed and in empty stomach. 

       When we break our fast in the morning, we must take some healthy food and eat with all taste like a glutton and must make our stomach full.  (Bed tea or tea & biscuit in the morning is discouraged as the unhealthy practice.) 

        The day rolls on and the time of mid-day meal i.e. lunchtime comes . We are advised that we should lessen the amount of food this time and we should not fill our tummy (belly) with food, some space of it must be kept empty. 

       Dinner time comes with the sunset. The quantity of potluck (food) must be half of the breakfast. If we make it a practice, we must enjoy a sound sleep and we would be fortunate enough to have a new day in our life.  


Friday, February 3, 2023

The tiny poem 'Chaitanya' written by Arun Kolatkar

            Arun Kolatkar.

"sweet as grapes
are the stones of jejuri
said chaitanya

he popped a stone
in his mouth
and spat out gods".

Summary : Chaitanya said that the stones of Jejuri are very sweet like the tasteful grapes. Saying this he picked a stone from the ground and took it in his mouth and spat out the Hindu Gods.

Interpretation : 'Chaitanya' is the title word and the key word of this poem .  'Chaitanya' is the Avatar in Hindu mythology ,he is the incarnation of Lord Krishna. He came to this world in flesh and blood only to teach people  of 'Kaliyuga' the miracle of love. So, he is called in the Hindu religion the 'Premavatar" , the god of love.  

          'Chaitanya' once went to Jejuri , a pious land of Maharastra ,
India. By his divine touch the stone of Jejuri became sweet as grape.
Actually, everything of that place became sweet i.e. pure like this stone. Stone is the symbolic element here.  

Friday, January 27, 2023

Popular English Rhymes - Rethinking and discussion.

Introduction :

         There are numberless rhymes in English language and these are read throughout the world. I think , there was not any particular purpose in the creation of  these rhymes or may be, the rhymers had thought deeply before they penned these little verses. Probability is also there that the rhymers wrote these out of sheer fun or for entertainment and amusement of the children. Whatever it may be, now I want to rethink and dive deep into these little ones with a view to searching some pearls from these sea of rhymes. Herein below some rhymes are mentioned and discussed with some philosophic interpretations.

Rhyme Number (1)     Thank you, dear God,
                                     For sleep through the night.
                                     Thank you, dear God,
                                     For the glad morning light.

 From a  child's point of view :
 It is a  rhyme and it is obviously popular to the children who chant it and have a great fun.They simply know that the night is for sleeping. As it is night they leave the books , the root of pressure from the part of the superiors, and enjoy the fun of blissful bed. Naturally, they thank God. Again, they thank God in the morning as the darkness of the night is no more, it is the time of fearlessness.  Besides, playing and gamboling on their part will start soon in the new morning light.

Rethinking and discussion :

We are not ready to hurt the tender mind and feeling of the children. For the sake of discussion we may rethink the rhyme with profundity and  discover some philosophical taste in this quatrain. The little child does not know the limitless benediction in 'sleep'. From Macbeth ,written by Shakespeare, I would mention few lines regarding the matter of 'sleep'. Here sleep is called 'innocent'.
Sleep is like refreshing bath after hard labour and it is a sort of comfort for anguished mind. It is like a nourishing dish and in the feast of life sleep is very vital and strength-giving item. A great gift from the great 'Nature'  is the innocent sleep. The expression " glad  morning light " brings about some grave meaning. Actually one would be lucky enough if one gets chance to witness the next morning. It means that in God's grace we are alive. 

Rhyme Number (2)      Baa,baa, black sheep*,
                                      Have you any wool ?
                                      Yes  sir, yes sir.
                                      Three bags full ;
                                      One for my master,         
                                      One for his dame,   
                                      And one for the little boy
                                     Who lives down the lane.

From a  child's point of view :

Lamb, sheep, goat etc. are very favourite to the children.Here the sheep is with black woolly coat. The child knows that a sheep does have wool and out of curiosity he/she asks the sheep if he has some wool.The spontaneous answer is that he has three bags of wool. He also informs the child that one bag is for his master and one for the mistress. The third bag is for the little boy who lives down the gut or the narrow road. The answer is a little bit informative to the child. I seem the child is satisfied.

Rethinking and discussion :

A child may be satisfied with the answer but a cogitative mind wants to say something more. A philosophical discussion brings some rays of God in the very first line of the rhyme. In  William
Blake's  poem The Lamb  God equates himself with 'Lamb' and 'Child'. Lamb  is the baby sheep. Naturally, God is somehow addressed in the first line. In the fourth line we find the figure 'three bags' , neither two bags nor four . The word 'three' reminds us of the " trinity of God " - a famous christian doctrine - 'Father', 'Son' and 'Holy Spirit'. The 'little boy' mentioned here is none other  God according to the christian belief. The bags of  wool kept by the black sheep are not for men only, but  for God also.   

* 'Black sheep'  is also an idiomatic expression which means ' the member of the family or a group who brings disgrace'. In this rhyme the 'Black sheep' is a meek creature (sheep) with back woolly coat. 

Rhyme Number (3)     Twinkle twinkle little star,
                                    How I wonder what you are!
                                    Up above the world so high,
                                    Like a diamond in the sky !

From a  child's point of view :

It is often happens that the little child is taken to open yard to make him/her look at the sky with a view to seeing the moon (Chandamama in Bengali.)  He/She chances to see numberless of stars twinkling in the sky, all are giving light from a measureless high position. Each and every star, all stars,  are like a little diamond blazing in the open atmosphere.The child is still and wonders.
Rethinking and discussion :

What a child says in this rhyme is about a natural phenomena but an adult person may rethink it another way.  The mental state of a human being may be taken as the sky. Various faculties ,various conceptions and ideas infest in the mind's sky of human beings. The qualities of human beings are always twinkling in the mental sky of them. We wonder how do they exist and what a sensation do they exert every now and then like the stars in the sky. As the stars are not always seen,particularly in day time,the faculties of human minds  are not always felt as they sometimes lay dormant in the deeper region of the mind. The sky is so up above our head,the mind's depth is in the same way fathomless. The good quality or perception of man 
shines brightly like a diamond,as the star in  sky.

Saturday, January 21, 2023


The Emperor of Ice-Cream
               Wallace  Stevens
Call the roller of big cigars,
The muscular one, and bid him whip
In kitchen cups concupiscent curds.
Let the wenches dawdle in such dress
As they are used to wear, and let the boys
Bring flowers in last month's newspapers.
Let be be finale of seem.
The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.

Take from the dresser of deal,
Lacking the three glass knobs , the sheet
On  which she embroidered fantails once
And spread it so as to cover her face.
If her horny feet protrude, they came 
To show how cold she is, and dumb.
Let the lamp affix its beam.
The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.

Introduction : Obscure poem, yes , " The Emperor of Ice-cream" is one of the obscure poems written by Wallace  Stevens. It is a poem of contrast . We find the contrast in the subject matter, in the theme, in the scene, in idea , in images and so on. A fine meaning , the philosophy of human life , emanates from the tight-knit contrast of the poem " The Emperor of Ice-cream". 

Summary :   Some gay and colourful activities  are going on in the kitchen . Someone who has the power to command calls the big muscular man, the man who works in the cigar factory, to crank the ice cream. One finds in rich colourful dresses some girls, the scribbler  girls,  who are ascribed as the wenches, are present to enjoy the feast of ice-cream. Some working boys (yard-boys) are also  present and they have brought some flowers wrapped in old news papers  for either  those girls who are ready for  "concupiscent curds" or for decorating the bier of the old  dead woman. The scullery-girls are enjoying much as in the gay occasion they dawdle around the kitchen and they have had the chance to flirt with the idle working boys. The poet says " Let be be finale of seem" which means ' let the reality be the epilogue over the appearance.' The only emperor in this scheme of creation is the emperor of ice-cream. 

      A corpse of the old woman is found lying on the bed. This very woman was the owner of the house. Another command comes from someone and it is to cover the dead body with  a sheet. Really, there is  lack of a shroud in that poor establishment. From the knobless dressing table a sheet is taken and spread over the dead body with a view to covering it. The sheet is decorated with the embroidery of fantails by the woman herself but is not big enough  to cover the corpse of that woman. Naturally, her horny feet  which bear the testimony of coldness and  dumbness are protruded. Someone commands to affix the lamp or spotlight to make everything prominent. The only emperor in this scheme of creation is the emperor of ice-cream.